International services regulatory notice
Services provided by Clearlake International LLP
Clearlake International LLP (CILLP), the provider of the Clearlake’s international consultancy services, is not authorised or regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). CILLP is, however, an affiliate of Clearlake Law LLP, which is authorised and regulated by the SRA.
CILLP is not required to have professional indemnity insurance that meets the minimum terms and conditions for firms authorised and regulated by the SRA, which terms include a requirement to carry insurance to cover up to a minimum of £3 million per claim.
Any technologies provided by CILLP are not protected by legal professional privilege.
CILLP customers shall not be entitled to make a claim on the SRA Compensation Fund in connection with any services provided. The SRA Compensation Fund is a fund established by the SRA to compensate individuals and small businesses (with turnovers lower than £2 million per annum) in circumstances where money has been stolen or not been accounted for by a person or firm authorised and regulated by the SRA or where a person or firm authorised and regulated by the SRA caused loss and did not have suitable insurance in place.
The complaints procedure for CILLP is the same as the complaints procedure for Clearlake Law LLP and can be found here: CILLP customers may be entitled to make a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman – further details are contained in the complaints policy referenced above.
Where additional legal services are provided directly by Clearlake Law LLP, which are related or incidental to CILLP services, such services shall be provided under a separate engagement between the client and Clearlake Law LLP, which engagement shall be subject to the usual rules applicable to firms authorised and regulated by the SRA.